Located at the Kern County Fair Grounds
KC's Farm
A Farm at the Kern County Fair is long overdue. Being one of the top agriculture producing counties, it only seems fitting to showcase all of this at the Kern County Fair to help educate our community. Not only will KC’s Farm be able to be enjoyed by the 400,000+ attendees that we have during the 12 days of the annual Fair, but thousands of others will also benefit from this farm throughout the year.
There are numerous stages involved for full implementation of an edible garden and each stage needs personal attention. Taking the time to create a comprehensive vision and a well thought out action plan in the beginning, will save many countless hours on the backside. Remember, gardening is universal and is not dependent on socioeconomic status, race, gender, or age. It allows for the individuality of each gardener (or student) to be expressed without bias. It cultivates relationships that may not normally be developed within an indoor classroom setting.
The purpose of creating an edible garden is to increase the awareness and consumption of fruits and vegetables in our children. Research has shown that children who are intimately involved in edible gardens have increased their daily vegetable and fruit consumption by 2.5 servings per day (American Dietetic Association, 2007). This evidence-based approach substantiates the significance for creating an edible garden at the Kern County Fair grounds to help benefit inner city kids and educate our community. Being one of the top agricultural counties in the state, we want to provide a facility for our local youth to learn about agriculture
With a little bit of water, sunlight, a vision and the support of the administration and garden team, the edible garden can assist in not only growing healthy produce, but also broadening the knowledge base of everyone who participates in the garden. Measuring the impact of the edible garden on several levels is key to sustaining the garden as an integral educational component to the district’s overall learning objectives. We plan on having three (3) raised vegetable garden plots for the local schools, one (1) green house, multiple raised beds for Kern County Crops, a portable kitchen, along with interactive agricultural demonstrations during the fair.